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In Key Stage 2, children are given weekly homework to enrich their experiences of the curriculum and consolidate learning. Homework will be a literacy or maths task or something relating to the current topic. Homework will be set on Friday on the class page of the school website and the children will need to return their homework books the following Thursday with the work inside. Children can make notes if there is not access to a printer. The homework book will be signed by a member of staff before returning.  If your child is finding a set piece challenging, please let us know before the Thursday it is due in. This will ensure that the children are able to complete the piece and build their confidence.  


Weekly spelling will be uploaded to this section. Children should practice these ready for the following Friday. We encourage children to read every night and for them to talk about their books with you and what they have read. This greatly helps their understanding of texts. We appreciate that people also have busy lives too, therefore we expect that children are reading 5 out of 7 nights per week. Reading records will be checked and signed on Monday and Thursday by a member of staff. Please sign every time your child reads. 


If your child has not completed reading and/or homework they will be staying in at break time the day their homework diaries are checked. This is to ensure the children are in good habits for high school and are taking responsibility.


We thank you for your support. 



Please complete your maths homework for next Thursday. Don’t forget you can bring it in before Thursday if you have completed it!


Remember to keep reading each night and get your homework diary signed by an adult to show this. Well done to those children who have already moved up a book level in class! 



Your homework this week is to complete the comprehension in your homework folders. If you find this tricky please come and see me BEFORE Thursday. Next Thursday, please bring your homework folder in with completed homework so that we can mark this together. 
