Governors and staff at school believe the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures. This is embedded throughout all aspects of school life through the use of our Christian Values such as love, respect, forgiveness, truthfulness, joy, acceptance, trust and understanding.
The school offers a broad, balanced, exciting and differentiated curriculum covering all areas of the National Curriculum through the development of our ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ and our aim is to provide a curriculum that meets the needs, interests and abilities of all children.
The school working hours are:
6.5 per day
32.5 per week
This has been coherently planned using the National Curriculum, Focus Education ‘Weaving Knowledge and Skills’ document and Kapow Primary scheme of work. Our ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ curriculum is geared to achieving our goal of ensuring that our pupils are ‘Ready for Life’ because the school firstly teaches and embeds the required knowledge and skills at each year group level, and then provides each child with the opportunity to apply what they have been taught in the form of investigate problem-solving scenarios. The sequence of the ‘Learning Pit’ within a unit and within lessons is used to help develop the children’s resilience, wonder, ownership and success.
Wherever possible lessons are related to the world outside of the classroom to build on children’s experiences and exposure to connecting their learning in different environments and contexts. This is achieved through the use of our timetabled outdoor learning days e.g. Muddy Monday, Teamwork Tuesday, Welly Wednesday, Thrilling Thursday and Fun Filled Friday!
We do our utmost to maximise success for all children by giving them the best teaching and learning experiences. This is achieved through the use of trips, visitors, picnic walks, outdoor learning days and themed days e.g. Lego Day/Pirate Day/Number Fun Day.
This curriculum comprises of the core subjects – English, Mathematics, RE, Computing (ICT) and Science. The core subjects are taught both stand alone and as part of our ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ curriculum. The foundation subjects –Design Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, French and Physical Education are delivered through our ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ curriculum. These foundation subjects are taught as part of a half termly topic that involves the teaching of discrete subjects through the engagement of a literacy text to build, repeat and strengthen knowledge. Personal, Social and Health Education is also taught discretely, through our acts of worship and ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ curriculum. Our curriculum policies specify teaching strategies and set achievement targets for the children. Parents are very welcome to read our policies, and ask for any further clarification.
An extensive range of extra-curricular activities are provided both during and after school. As well as sports, activities involving music, choirs, languages, science and art are provided by members of the school team, while external experts are engaged to run other clubs as diverse as drama and jujitsu!
We encourage the children to take part in fun activity days such as World Book Day and Roald Dahl Day, plus many other specially themed days where the children can dress up, create projects and models and experience a totally different school day.
The coverage of our ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ has also allowed for a progression model to be used so topics covered are used as an illustration of concepts in a range of contexts. These concepts allow for repetition throughout a year group and between year groups. This progression model has specific timescales where learning can be assessed. Assessments in the ‘Adventurous Afternoons’ takes place within each class at the end of a topic but also at the end of key milestones, in preparation for the next stage of learning. The key milestones are at the end of EYFS, Yr2, Yr4 and Yr6.
If you have any questions, concerns or would like more information provided please contact the school office directly or Mrs Johnston Curriculum Lead at