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English - English lessons are delivered daily throughout school in addition to Guided Reading sessions and phonics. English lessons are delivered using the Focus scheme of work - the texts used also serving to underpin the wider curriculum and allow meaningful links and connections to be made with other subjects. Writing is taught using ‘The Write Stuff’ approach from Year 1 to Year 6. In EYFS the NELI scheme is used to develop early language and there is a clear and consistent approach to the teaching of writing to ensure a smooth transition between EYFS and Year 1.


High-quality phonics teaching in EYFS/KS1 gives children a solid base which to build upon and help children to develop reading for both information and pleasure. A complete systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programme provided by Lancashire called Red Rose Phonics is used to deliver phonics. It is for daily use in EYFS and KS1 but also used to support children still needing phonic input in KS2 through intervention. Red Rose Phonics has the progressive steps for the National Curriculum expectations for word reading through decoding to be met by the end of key stage 1. The varied reading books, from various schemes allows all learners interests to be catered for and motivation/enjoyment of reading increased.


Guided Reading is taught on a carousel basis in Key Stage 1 and delivered whole class in Key Stage 2. All pupils have access to levelled reading books in school matched to their reading ability and phonics phase in addition to a range of stimulating and varied home reading books to encourage and develop their love of reading.


Spelling is delivered using the No Nonsense Spelling programme throughout school and pupils are encouraged to apply the spelling rules and patterns taught in their independent writing across the curriculum. Grammar is taught within lessons and where possible is relevant to the context of the wider lesson.


Reading and writing are assessed on an ongoing basis through the outcome of daily lessons and guided reading sessions and LAPs and The Write Stuff end of year expectations are used to support judgements. In addition standardised NFER assessments at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms are used from Years 1-6.

Journeying on a personal path with ourselves, others, the world and God. This is linked strongly to our Christian Values so we can live life in all its fullness.

Remembrance Poetry

Paired writing Days
