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Design Technology

Design & Technology (Creating with Materials in EYFS) is taught throughout school. EYFS have a project each half term whilst Years 1-6 undertake 4 projects over the course of the year, including a cooking & nutrition unit for each year group.


DT is taught from Years 1-6 using the Kapow Primary scheme of work. This ensures that all areas of the National Curriculum for DT are taught and there is a clear progression of skills from one year group to the next. Pupils will develop their knowledge and expertise of the five strands of the DT curriculum as they move through school. These are: Design, Make, Evaluate, Technical Knowledge & Cooking & Nutrition.


Pupils will develop their knowledge and skills of these strands through the projects which they undertake which fall under the following categories: Food, Mechanisms/Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems, Digital World, Structures & Textiles.


Pupils may also undertake projects with links to other curriculum areas such as STEM challenges in Science.


Pupils are assessed on their knowledge at the start of each unit and also at the end, in addition to evaluating the finished products which have been created.


Journeying on a personal path with ourselves, others, the world and God. This is linked strongly to our Christian Values so we can live life in all its fullness

Structures - Mangers & Pottery Figurines


Filling the Gaps - Cutting Skills
