Activities this Week:
Literacy - In phonics we will learn the following phonemes.
Mrs Kenny/ Mrs Pickup’s group - phonemes (sounds) ll and ss, and all tricky words to date *I*, *no*, *go*, *to*, *the*, *into*.
Mrs Stockburn’s group - phonemes x, y, z, zz, and tricky words *we*, *me*, *be*.
Drawing Club - in drawing club we have looked at the story Penguin. Here are the words we have been learning. Try to use these words with your child so that they are exposed to a rich and varied vocabulary.
Numeracy - This week we looked at one more and one less than, and practised our counting skills.
RE - We listened to the story Daniel and the Lions, and made our own lions to help us remember the story.
Understanding the World - We are investigating floating, and seeing if we can make a boat that floats. We are also starting our work with Burnley Youth Theatre.
Expressive Arts & Design - We have been exploring secondary colours.