Activities this Week:
Literacy - In phonics we will learn the following phonemes.
Mrs Kenny/ Mrs Pickup’s group - phonemes (sounds) ck, e, u and tricky words *to* and *I*. The phoneme (sound) ‘ck’ is a digraph, which means it has two letters to represent one phoneme (sound). A tricky word is a word we can not sound out, and just have to remember.
Mrs Stockburn’s group - consolidation of phonemes (sounds) o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b and tricky word *into*.
Numeracy - We are learning about numbers 4 and 5, and finding the composition of them, e.g. 3 + 1 = 4, 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 0 = 4, etc.
PSHE - We have continued our work on feelings, discussing strategies to help us if we ever feel worried.
RE - We are finding out about why Christians think Jesus is a special person, and have looked at the story of the paralysed man.
Understanding the World - We will continue our work on senses and what we use them for.